Swine Flu - Definition and Introduction

Swine Flu - Definition and Introduction

Swine flu is a flu that became known in 2009 with the name of type A H1N1 influenza which is a human disease. People who get this disease are infected by other people, not from pigs.

The disease was initially dubbed swine flu because the virus that caused the disease initially jumped to humans from live pigs where the virus did develop in the pig's body. This virus is a mixture of flu virus genes from pigs, birds, and human flu viruses.

The swine flu virus that usually spreads between pigs is not the same as a human flu virus. Swine flu rarely infects humans. Infection can occur immediately if humans have direct contact with pigs.

However, the current outbreak of swine flu is indeed different from the flu from pigs that were transmitted to humans before. The current swine flu virus makes it possible to spread from person to person who has never made contact with pigs.

To distinguish influenza viruses that infect humans, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls swine flu with the 2009 H1N1 virus. Other names include: H1N1 Novel, quadruple assortant H1N1 and H1N1 pandemic 2009

Many people have at least partial immunity to the H1N1 virus because they have been infected or vaccinated against this flu. This virus changes genetically, so this is the reason why flu vaccines must be given from time to time.

H1N1 swine flu is not an ordinary variant of H1N1. This virus comes to humans from different evolutionary lines. That means most people do not have natural immunity for H1N1 swine flu. Vaccinating seasonal flu does not protect the body against this new virus.

Some people who may have seasonal H1N1 flu before 1957 may have a little protective immunity against this new virus. That's because seasonal H1N1 flu strains circulating before 1957 are genetically more similar to the 2009 H1N1 swine flu.

Protection from 1957 H1N1 flu is also not complete protection. However, relatively few elderly people experienced H1N1 swine flu, and despite being affected by many of those who did not experience severe illness.

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