Bronchial Asthma - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Bronchial Asthma - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Asthma is a type of long-term or chronic disease in the respiratory tract that is characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways which causes tightness or difficulty breathing. In addition to breathing difficulties, people with asthma can also experience other symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, and wheezing. Asthma can be suffered by all ages, whether young or old.

Although the exact cause of asthma is not yet known clearly, but there are some things that often trigger it, such as cigarette smoke, dust, animal hair, physical activity, cold air, viral infections, or even exposure to chemicals.

For someone who has asthma, the respiratory tract is more sensitive than other people who do not live with this condition. When the trigger lungs are irritated above, the muscles of the respiratory tract of asthmatics will stiffen and make the channel narrow. In addition, there will be an increase in phlegm production which makes breathing more difficult.

Asthma doctors

Asthma sufferers in Indonesia

The basic health research report by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2013 estimated the number of asthma patients in Indonesia to reach 4.5 percent of the total population. Central Sulawesi Province ranks as many asthma sufferers as 7.8 percent of the total population in the area.

According to data released by WHO in May 2014, the death rate from asthma in Indonesia reached 24,773 people or around 1.77 percent of the total number of deaths of the population. After adjusting the age of various residents, this data also puts Indonesia at number 19 in the world regarding deaths from asthma.

Diagnosis of asthma

To find out if a patient has asthma, the doctor needs to do a number of tests. But before the test is done, the doctor will usually ask questions to the patient about what symptoms are felt, the time of occurrence of these symptoms, and the medical history of the patient and his family.

If all information given to the patient leads to asthma, then the doctor can do a test to strengthen the diagnosis, for example:


Expiration Peak Peak Test (APE)
Bronchial Provocation Test
Measurement of Allergy Status
CT Scan
If someone is diagnosed with asthma as a child, the symptoms may disappear when he is a teenager and reappear when he is older. But the symptoms of asthma which are classified as medium or severe in childhood, will tend to remain there even though they can also reappear. Even so, asthma can appear at any age and does not always start from childhood.

Asthma treatment

There are two goals in the treatment of asthma, which are to relieve symptoms and prevent symptoms of relapse. To support this goal, a treatment plan from a doctor is needed that is tailored to the patient's condition. Treatment plans include how to recognize and deal with worsening symptoms, and what medicines should be used.

It is important for patients to recognize things that can trigger their asthma so they can avoid it. If asthma symptoms appear, the commonly recommended drug is a reliever inhaler.

When an asthma attack occurs with symptoms that continue to worsen (slowly or quickly) even though it has been treated with an inhaler or other drugs, the patient must immediately get treatment at the hospital. Although rare, an asthma attack can endanger life. For people with chronic asthma, inflammation of the airways that has been going on for a long time and can cause permanent constriction.

Asthma complications

The following are the effects of asthma that can occur:

Psychological problems (anxiety, stress, or depression).
Decreasing performance at school or at work.
The body often feels tired.
Impaired growth and puberty in children.
Status asthmaticus (severe asthma condition that does not respond to normal therapy).
Respiratory failure.
Damage to part or all of the lungs.
Control asthma
If you happen to have asthma or live with asthma for a long time, don't worry about this condition because asthma is a disease that can still be controlled provided you:

Recognize and avoid the triggers of asthma.

Follow a plan for managing asthma made with a doctor.
Recognize an asthma attack and take appropriate treatment steps.
Use asthma drugs that are recommended by doctors regularly.
Monitor the condition of your airway.

If the use of asthma reliever reliever inhalers increases rapidly, immediately consult your doctor so that your asthma treatment plan is adjusted again. In addition, it is recommended to vaccinate influenza and pneumonia regularly to prevent the worsening of asthma caused by the two diseases.

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