Vitamin B3 (Niasin) (1)

Vitamin B3 (Niasin) (1)

Trade name:
3-Pyridine Carboxamide, 3-Pyridinecarboxylic Acid, Acide Nicotinique, Acide Pyridine-Carboxylique-3, Amide de lâ € ™ Acide Nicotinique, Anti-Blacktongue Factor, Antipellagra Factor, B Complex Vitamins, Complexe de Vitamines B, Facteur Anti-Pellagre, Niacin-Niacinamide, Niacin / Niacinamide, Niacina y Niacinamida, Niacinamide, Niacine, Niacine et Niacinamide, Nicamid, Nicosedine, Nicotinamide, Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinic Acid Amide, Nicotylamidum, Pellagra Preventing Factor, Vitamin B3, Vitamin PP, Vitamina B3, Vitamine B3 , Vitamine PP.

Overview of Drugs

Niacin and niacinamide are forms of Vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 is found in many foods including yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, green vegetables, nuts, and cereal grains. Niacin and niacinamide are also found in many vitamin B complex supplements with other B vitamins.

Niacin is used for high cholesterol. It is also used in conjunction with other treatments for circulating blood flow problems, migraines, dizziness, and to reduce diarrhea associated with cholera. Niacin is also used to prevent urine from becoming a drug positive in people who take illegal drugs.

Niacinamide is used to treat diabetes and two skin conditions called bullous pemphigoid and anular granuloma.

Niacin or niacinamide is used to prevent vitamin B3 deficiency and related conditions such as pellagra. Each form of vitamin B3 is used for schizophrenia, drug hallucinations, Alzheimer's disease and age-related degeneration such as thinking skills, chronic brain syndrome, depression, motion sickness, alcohol dependence, and fluid collection in the body tissues (edema).

Some people use niacin or niacinamide for acne, leprosy, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders ( attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), memory loss, arthritis, prevent premenstrual headaches, improve digestion, protect against poisons and pollutants, reduce the effects of aging, reduce blood pressure, increases circulation of blood flow, relaxation, increases orgasm, and prevents cataracts.

Niacinamide is applied to the skin to treat skin conditions called inflammatory acne vulgaris.

Ways of working

Niacinamide can be made from niacin in the body. Niacin is converted to niacinamide when taken in amounts greater than what is needed by the body. Niacin and niacinamide which are easily soluble in water and are well absorbed when taken by mouth.

Niacin and niacinamide are needed for proper function of fat and sugar in the body and keep cells healthy. At high doses, niacin and niacinamide can have different effects. Niacin may help people with heart disease because of its beneficial effects on the blood clotting process. This can also increase certain types of fat called triglycerides in the blood. Niacinamide does not have a beneficial effect on fat and should not be used to treat high cholesterol or high levels of fat in the blood.

Lack of niacin can cause a condition called pellagra, which causes skin irritation, diarrhea, and dementia. Pellagra happened a lot at the beginning of the twentieth century, but is now becoming less common, because food that has now been fortified with niacin. Pellagra has been eliminated in western culture.

People with poor diet, alcoholism, and some slow-growing tumors called carcinoid tumors may be at risk of lacking niacin.

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