Various Diseases

Various Diseases - There are various eye diseases, among others, we discuss here with the aim that we know and can be more careful in maintaining eye health. Because beside the window of the heart, the eyes are our vital organs for learning and doing activities. And most importantly the eye is a means to see the beauty of the world.

Eye pain is not all contagious, but some are contagious so we need to be careful so we can avoid eye disease. And some eye diseases are caused by infection, both because of viral, bacterial or fungal infections.

Eye diseases that often attack us include


This eye disease is classified as contagious. This eye disease occurs due to irritation or inflammation due to infection in the membrane lining the eyes. Symptoms are reddened, painful, runny, itchy, dirt (stiffness), and vision (blurred). The disease can be caused by several factors, such as viral or bacterial infections, allergies (dust, powder, feathers, wind, or smoke), the use of contact lenses that are less clean, and the use of long-term contact lenses. Babies can also suffer from similar diseases. It's just that the cause is more due to infections that arise when passing through the birth canal. In infants this disease is called gonococcal conjunctivitis. As we all know that the birth canal is not sterile from certain germs that might cause infection. When a baby is born through the birth canal (vagina), the baby is easily infected by germs in the area. If it is about the eye, it can cause an infection in the eye with symptoms of red eyes and belekan. Therefore, in general the eyes of newborns will be eye drops or antibiotic ointments to kill bacteria that can cause gonococcal conjunctivitis.

Keratokonjungtivitas vernalis

is irritation or inflammation of the part of the cornea (mucous membranes) due to allergic pain. The symptoms caused are red eyes, watery, itchy, swollen eyelids, and eye feces (stiffness). Keep in mind this disease is a recurrent inflammation, aka seasonal and sufferers tend to relapse, especially in the summer. Sometimes sufferers suffer damage to a small portion of the cornea which causes acute pain.


is an infection that occurs in the inner lining of the eye so that the eyeballs festering. Symptoms include red eyes, pain, and even vision problems. It usually occurs because the eye is pierced by something like a stick or other sharp object. This infection is quite severe so it must be treated immediately because it can cause blindness.

Orbitalist cellulitis

that is inflammation of the tissue around the eyeball. Symptoms include red eyes, pain, swollen eyelids, protruding and swollen eyeballs, and sufferers experiencing fever. In children it often occurs due to eye injuries, sinus infections or infections originating from the teeth. Diagnosis can certainly be established through dental and oral x-rays or sinus CT scans. Orbitalis cellulitis that is not immediately treated can be fatal, such as blindness, brain infection or blood clots in the brain. For mildly classified cases, antibiotics can be given orally. In severe cases antibiotics are given through blood vessels or even surgery to remove pus or dry the infected sinuses.


is an eye infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. These bacteria multiply in dirty or poorly sanitized environments. Because of that, trachoma often attacks children, especially in various developing countries. Bacterial exposure takes place when the child uses tools or objects contaminated with Chlamydia such as handkerchiefs or towels. Symptoms of trachoma are red eyes, excretion (swelling), swelling of the eyelids and lymph nodes, and the cornea looks cloudy. This disease is very contagious.


In the eyeball there is a layer of tear that protects the eyeball from irritation. This very fine layer consists of three glands, namely oil, water and mucus glands. Well, blefaritis is an inflammation of the eyelids due to excessive oil production originating from the oil glands. It is not known exactly why oil production can be excessive. Unfortunately this excess oil is near the eyelids which are also often visited by bacteria. Symptoms of blepharitis include red eyes, pain, heat, itching, watering, there are sores on the eyelids and swell. In some cases, eyelash loss occurs. There are two types of blepharitis, anterior blepharitis and posterior blepharitis. The first is inflammation of the outer front of the eyelid which is where the eyelashes attach. The cause is staphylococcal bacteria. The second is inflammation of the inner eyelid, the part of the eyelid

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